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Map 2009-2010 :: Konkursai :: Map 2009-2010
Kūrybinių dirbtuvių programoje "Map extention 2009-2010" (2009 m. rugsėjo iki 2010 m. gruodžio) kandidatuoti gali menininkai nuo 18 iki 35 metų amžiaus. Paskutinė dokumentų pateikimo data – 2009 m. liepos 15 d.
Daugiau apie dokumentų pateikimo sąlygas bei kitą išsamesnę informaciją apie šią programą galite gauti šiuo el. adresu : arba programos tinklaraštyje :
Ramunė Vrubliauskienė
Assistante de l'Attaché culturel
Service de Coopération et d'Action culturelle
Ambassade de France en Lituanie
Didžioji g.1, Vilnius
Tél.: (370 5) 212 04 60
Télécopie : (370 5) 212 58 70
The map 2008-2009 programme is extended for one year and a half, throught map extension 2009-2010.
New opportunities of residence are offered to this day between
september 2009 and december 2010, allowing to build new plural projects
and meet new audiences.
The Pépinières launch today their new call for tenders in the continuity of the map2008-2009 programme, giving to this day 9 possibilities of residence between september 2009 and december 2010, allowing the building of plural projects and the encounter with new audience.
In order to answer the differents moves drawn by the young generation
of artists, this programme offers a panel of artists mobility concepts
led by partner places.
This programme is made for young artists from every expression field, between 18 to 35 years, living in one of these partner countries:
Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Cyprus - Czech Republic - England - Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Greece -
Hungary - Ireland - Iceland - Italy - Littuania - Latvia - Malta - the
Netherlands - Poland - Portugal - Quebec, Canada Romania -
Serbia-Montenegro - Scotland - Slovakia - Spain -Sweden
The call for tender is open from June 15th until July 15th 2009.
Each artist can only be candidate for one residence, which has to be outside his/ her home or living country.
BE CAREFUL: every application which home country is the same than the one of the programme’s residence chosen will be deleted automatiquely, and you will have to submit a new application.
In order to make the application and selection process faster and easier, applications will only be made online, using the website and database system, until July 15th, by midnight (Brussels time).